This is a blog about the relationship between reason and faith. Some days it will be more about one than the other. Whatever the Spirit moves me to write is what gets posted.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Welcome to my blog! With so many blogs out there, why should you read mine? Well, I don't really care if you read it or not. I've got something to say, and even if I'm shouting at the wind, I am compelled to say it. The purpose of this blog is to explore the relationship between reason and faith. What's that you say? They cannot coexist? Au contrere! We were given incredibly and miraculously complex minds with which to do exactly that, and I argue that to neglect to use this God-given gift called reason is the height of disobedience, and the very nature of sin itself. If you are a faithful being, then you must accept that all of nature plays by the rules set out for it by God. When we explore and observe nature's rules-based behavior, we are committing SCIENCE! As science is the observation and description of the natural order of God's world, it can never really be in discord with the faithful heart and mind. True science and true faith can never be at odds, because they are different aspects of the same drive: to understand the universe around us. While the earthly practice of science and the earthly practice of faith (called religion) are often at odds, these arguments are nearly always a product of the human brokenness that compels us to make little tin gods of our own egos, agendas, and intellects. It is only when we step back from our own self-importance to think with rationality and objectivity, and to let the Holy Spirit move in us as He will that we can even begin to see glimpses of the beautiful complexity of Creation. And speaking of Creation...